Saturday, April 26, 2008

April 26 2008

I haven't quite may my goal of once a week to adding to the blog, but things have been very busy. The picture I am adding today is the latest in snowfall that we are receiving at this moment.
As for technology I am planning to start a wiki for work soon. We are looking at changes for the website. I am looking at other school library websites to see how I can make the media center sites better and more user friendly over the summer. I would also like to work more on book blog over the summer.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Video part 2

I tried putting a home video, it shows in previews. Once I publish it it doesn't show. It is a video of the morning of the blizzard in April. I will need to check and see what the problem is. It is a new camera that all the movies are mp4.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thing 23

I made it to the 23!! I know this is really just the start of using all the things I learned. This was a great opportunity to learn new things. I liked the videos I could watch and learn on my own. The instructions were good. I am excited to try out some of the Things I learned. The goal is the post something at least once every week.

Thing 22

How to keep up with everything! I found a lot of great things through 23 Things on a Stick (and a log more passwords to keep) and I do want to continue to use most of them.

I will add to this blog each week, adding comments on how things are going on the different technologies. I want to explore some things like WebJunction, NetLibrary, and ELM more. I also thought Flickr and Ning will be interesting for more ideas for the library.

If I make a comment each week then I can also include things I find on my Google Reader and groups weekly, too.

I will see how I use everything for school, since it is getting towards the end of the school year. It may have to wait until the next school year.

But on a personal note, now that I know how some of these technologies work. I am starting a blog for my husband. He likes bike riding and we are going to have a blog on some of the trips. I already have a couple family websites, so I am going to be busy on the web.

I am going to head back to Flickr to try a slide show of our latest blizzard!

Thing 21

The Ning groups give a focus on work or work related issues while Facebook seem more like fun or finding friends. The other part of Ning I will probably join is the Teacher/Librarian.

I have not used WebJunction to its full potential. I found the technology section this time and need to spend more time looking at more of the site. There is a lot of information that can be found and shared with other librarians.

Thing 20 plus

I just wanted to add a note about Thing 20. I used the tutorials on It was very helpful and I decided to look at some of the other "how to" videos. There are lots of videos and all type of subjects including on how to build your own computer to baking bread. According to the web site the videos are done by experts in their field. I just thought it was a helpful site.

Thing 20

Well, I joined Facebook this morning. I could not find my daughter and her husband to invite, so they invited me. Through their contacts I invited my niece as a friend. They are all in graduate school so they don't mind helping with my assignments. The moment I put in my graduation year other people with that year started showing up as possible friends. There was no one that I knew but it was certainly making it easy to find people. My profile was set for friends only but my daughter had no trouble searching and finding me. My daughter and I started talking back and forth, it would be easy to stay on Facebook. I promised to add more pictures after this project is done.

As for the library sites for the public libraries or university libraries in MySpace. It certainly makes it easy for patrons ask questions of librarians. Schools usually have the site blocked.

There are so many possible choices for a library to have for or on a website- blogs,podcasts, wikis, a library in Facebook or Second Life. The one problem I have is the time to do it all. A small library may have to choose which serves their patrons the best. With limited budgets and staff cuts it makes it difficult to do all the technology options and to do it well.
I am enjoying enjoying the challenge to learn as much as possible.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Thing 19

Podcasting is a great way to find information. I have made podcasts and taught podcasting to teachers. Podcasting with audacity is easy. The longest part is preparation. You need to know what you are going to say. My microphone always picks up the paper turning so I keep from moving the script.
But podcasts were a fun way to share new books with students in a book talk that can be put on a web page. Despite it being fairly easy it did take time. I would like to try some video podcasting maybe giving a tour of the library resources.

The subjects on podcasting that you can listen to is endless. I even have one subscription for a knitting podcast. Video podcasts are great also.

Thing 18

One of my favorite videos on You Tube is The Book Cart Drill Team at ALA. I have seen the contest advertising for this year. There is a contest from a company for a poem about the book truck also. I do know how to post the video from You Tube on my blog but decide I will try a video of my own later. I read the policies and if I post the videos on Blogger it is stored on Google Video.

Thing 17

I suggest the use of ELM databases frequently for research for both students and staff. World Cat search is helpful for searching for resources by type. It sorts the resources by ebook, Internet, book, sound, etc.. I have used both EBSCO and Proquest.

It has been awhile since I tried the NetLibrary, but it is easy to use. I made an account this time. I usually just look at the ebooks I want and exit.

ELM is a great resource!

Thing 16

I have known about the Research calculator but have not looked at it closely. It could be helpful for students to help them outline the steps they need to take for a project.
I looked at the handouts for teachers and really liked them. They are several that I could put out in the library for students to use.
It will be a site to show teachers. The one hand out called research out aloud was very interesting, it would be helpful in teaching research skills. The handouts would be helpful in teaching research skills.
There were handouts to help students as well, such as interview tips and search tips.

Thing 15

Thing 15 The graphics of Second Life is very interesting. Sitting surrounded by snow drifts, I was thinking of going someplace virtually that at least looks sunny. I did a search in Second life and there are quite a few librarians in Second Life. I notice there was a cost involved in Second Life. There was the basic get started free part, but also a basic monthly fee for the premium subscription. Also if you wished to buy land and build there was a cost.

I also looked at Pirates and started to play the game. The electricity started to flicker and I had to get off the computer.

I have been to a workshop on games and literacy, where we played a few games. The games were scenario and we had to make decisions for the people in the games. It was interesting but of course there was a cost for each computer it was used on.

I tried playing a couple of games for practice for library skills, but I cannot remember the exact site the games were on.

Thing 14

I have been to Library Thing already and really enjoyed it. I was able to visit the exhibitors' displays at the ALA Public Library Conference in Minneapolis in March and I even stopped by their display. I was hoping they were selling Library Thing T-shirts!
I have not entered any books yet, but will later. I keep donating books to the library at school, since I am running out space at home. Before I catalog a few books I want to make sure I am keeping them.
The one group I was thinking of joining was 50 Book Challenge. You keep track of the books you read during the year and try to make 50. I would like to read more than 50, but I seem to run out of time. I am reading Winter War by Durbin at the present.
I have already told several people about this site. I think it is great you can catalog your own books, but I know I love to catalog books.

Thing 13

Online organizational tools-I already use Google tools and with 23Things on a Stick I have gotten to try out even more of the tools. My Google page has different gadgets selected and there are a lot of choices. It is efficient to have the items you need right there on your web page if you need it. When I log in to my Google account I can use the documents, check my reader, my blog, and my groups, so it makes efficient use of my time. At school, my Outlook calendar is very important. It is set to remind me of meetings and other things I need to do like set up microphones. As I mentioned in an earlier entry email, which is Outlook at work, is an important part of keeping in contact with other staff members.
I should probably work on a better way to do a "to do list". Maybe I should make my "to do list"a wiki so staff and students can add to it!

Thing 12

Newsvine was the social news item I liked the best, I even subscribed to the feed. It was because it was divided into sections-- local, world, U.S., business. It makes it easier to read just what I want to read. It still had the top new section also. The Social news gives an overview of what other people are reading or viewing and are finding interesting. It is much larger scale of you just telling your friends what interesting article you read in the paper that morning.

Thing 11 is a site I have looked at before, but have never taken the time to make an account. I have a lot of websites I bookmark and organize in folders, but allows you access from any computer. I also liked the feature of search by topic. I found several sites I could use for the library, perhaps linking them to the library website.

Thing 10

As the snow is howling around the house, I am appreciating the time to work on 23ThingsonaStick. There is not usually a snow day in April. As for the wiki for school, it was very easy to use. There were several wiki that I viewed a thought were interesting. One had a technology help information for staff which included links. One link even showed how to make decisions to build your own computer. Another include book reviews with comments by students.
One place either wikis or Google documents could be helpful would be documents where staff need to all work on it together. Each staff member would have access and could edit and add to the document.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thing 9

The documents are very interesting, that they can be shared. My daughter and I used this feature for her wedding. We used the spreadsheet for the guest list, so we could share over long distance names and addresses.
This is a great way to share information when a project needs to be worked on together. One person can share the document with several other people. Each person can work the project no matter where they are. There is a chat (written) feature also, if two people are on the same document that can chat to each other online.

It is new to me to have the document published for everyone. My document is rather plain, but I hope to add some information about the storm over the next day or so.
For the usefulness for the library, since I am working in two buildings I work with staff that are not in the same building. It would be another way to work together on a document.

Thing 8

Thing 8 was to put a slide show on the blog. I use PowerPoint frequently for presentations or classes with I can put them on the web. It was easy to upload but getting the slideshow on the blog didn't work as well. I wanted to just copy paste the link to the blog, but I ended up having to have SlideShare post on the blog. It looks a little too big for the blog and it comes with extra advertising for the site. I am would like to try a few others. The slides are of the snow storm from the 1st of April. I am waiting to take pictures of the latest storm and will be taking pictures of the newest snow, too.
This is a project for 23Things on a Stick. I am to make a document public so it can be edited. The problem is I do not know what to write about. I will come back and write more when the big blizzard comes on Friday!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thing 7

Email has become an important part of the daily work of the library. I communicate with will staff in my building and through out our district. It also goes beyond communications since it is used in ordering books and supplies and receiving MARC records for books. It is part of the daily work of the media center.

I have been part of a web conference for school and they have worked fine. It is nice to be able to be get the information and ask questions from someone from a company or business with out having the cost of bringing the person to the building.

I have not used instant messaging, but could see it usefulness in a library. The media centers I am at are only open during school hours, so there would be no one to answer questions after school hours. Instant messaging between library staff between buildings could be useful.